Monday, February 4, 2008

2 very happy stories today

I was so happy when I logged onto BBC this morning.
I always knew that there was a really good reason that I wore heels - apparently they can be good for your sex life! Personally, I don't really believe the science stuff but I definitely feel a hell of a lot sexier in heals.
Then, just five minutes ago I read that an Arrested Development movie has been approved! Now, I only started watching the show recently on CBC but I love it, I just wish they had never cancelled it. Maybe they'll make a triumphant comeback because it was/is a brilliant show.

Next topic/current thought on my mind: How some people that seem so critical and important to your life can simply disappear (and you may not even miss them). I know, I know. I'm being mean. But deal with it.

1 comment:

cher said...

people that seem so critical and important to your life can simply disappear (and you may not even miss them)
i know the feeling too well